Choosing a private student loan lender can seem overwhelming but doing your research to find the best student loan for you is important, and we encourage you to compare your options. Low interest rates are important, but also be sure to look for lenders with flexible repayment options that can help you match your monthly payments to your budget. Also be on the lookout for any application or origination fees.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Cover up to 100% of costs1 |
3 - Minute Application |
No Application Fees |
Choice of Repayment Terms |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 |
4 |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders' websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 | 4 |
Choice of Repayment Terms |
Apply in 3 Minutes |
No Application Fees |
Choice of Fixed or Variable Interest Rates |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 | 4 |
Select Your Own Repayment Term |
Apply in 3 Minutes |
Fees to Apply | None | None | None |
Choice of Fixed or Variable Interest Rates |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 | 4 |
Choice of Repayment Terms |
Apply in 3 Minutes |
Grace Period | 12 months | 12 months | 9 months |
Residency Deferment |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 | 4 |
Choice of Repayment Terms |
Apply in 3 Minutes |
Fees to Apply | None | None | None |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 | 3 |
Choice of Repayment Terms |
Apply in 3 Minutes |
Grace Period | 36 months | 36 months | 9 months |
Deferment During Residency |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 | 4 |
Select Your Own Repayment Term |
Apply in 3 Minutes |
Grace Period | 9 months | 9 months | 9 months |
Deferment During Clerkship |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | Sallie Mae | Discover | |
Number of Repayment Options |
4 |
3 | 4 |
Choice of Repayment Terms |
Apply in 3 Minutes |
Grace Period | 9 months | 6 months | 9 months |
Deferment During Residency |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.
College Ave | SoFi | Citizens Bank | |
Fixed and Variable Interest Rates |
Application Fees |
Choice of Loan Terms (How long you take to repay) |
16 |
5 |
5 |
*Comparisons based on information obtained on lenders’ websites as of October 8, 2024.