The amount you can borrow for a private student loan varies depending on the lender, but it generally covers up to the total cost of attendance, minus any financial aid you have already received. Private student loan providers typically set limits based on the cost of attendance, which includes tuition, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, and certain personal expenses. The exact amount you can borrow will depend on the lender's policies and your or your cosigner's credit standing. Some lenders might offer a higher total loan amount to borrowers with excellent credit or those pursuing high-cost degrees, like medicine or law.
However, even though lenders might approve you for a high loan amount, you should carefully consider how much you actually need. While it might be tempting to borrow extra money for additional expenses or comforts during college, it's wise to limit your borrowing to what you truly need. This will help reduce the burden of future debt and keep your repayments at a manageable level. The less you borrow now, the less you will have to pay back later. Remember, loans accumulate interest, which can significantly increase the total amount you owe. Smaller loan amounts mean smaller monthly payments once you graduate, making it easier to manage your finances, especially when you are just starting your career.
To ensure you borrow only what you need, create a detailed budget for your education costs. Consider all sources of income, such as part-time jobs and scholarships, and then borrow just enough to fill the gap between your total cost of attendance and your available funding. Understanding your borrowing limits and making informed decisions about how much to borrow can save you significant financial stress in the future. Always approach private student loans with a strategy that prioritizes financial health and practicality.
College Ave's private student loan options allow you to borrow up to 100% of the cost of college.* What you borrowed will be certified by your school and we will send your funds directly to the school.
*As certified by your school and less any other financial aid you might receive. Minimum $1,000.